Dominique  Aubier

La Connaissance de l’Universel

The Hidden Face of The Brain (a 2 volume set)


How can religions and traditions be reconciled while respecting the specificities of both ? How can cultures gather under a common banner while each keeps its respective identity ? This book gives serious answers exploring the systemic explanation of the shamanic teaching of Don Juan (Castaneda), the Zohar, Buddhism and Tchan and Zen tradition… An inquiery into universality and human wisdom.

This masterly book is the result of more than 40 years of research. It brings to light the cortical code, the code of archetypes of reality.
A two volume set. Translated into English (American) by Sarah King and Frederic Thomas
Original French : La Face cachée du Cerveau

UGS : The Hidden Face Of The Brain Catégorie :

I.  The Immobile Motor

How can religions and traditions be reconciled while respecting the specificities of both ? How can cultures gather under a common banner while each keeps its respective identity ? Many poets have sensed the necessity for such a universal project. But which philosophy, which science, which form of politics would embody those perceptions ? What would be the methodology ?

Distinguished researchers suspect the existence of a single and unique pattern governing reality. But did the scattered body of sciences, including neurology, systemics, astrophysics, in spite of tremendous interdisciplinary efforts, ever identify one single universal constant ? Mythologies and religions have long advocated a coherence that unifies the various fields of the Sacred. But how is it possible to isolate the universal vector that is responsible for unity ? That is the subject of investigation that presents The Hidden Face of the Brain. This masterly book is the result of more than forty years of research. It brings to light the cortical code, the code of the archetypes of reality.

Dominique Aubier starts from Don Quixote an initiatory treaty whose codes she deciphers and whose structure she reveals. It is in the story of the Knight that she finds the key to universality, where Cervantes had hidden it. With this tool, she was able to clarify the visions of the great Sufi Ibn’Arabi from medieval hermetism. She relates The Mansions by Saint Teresa of Avila to the Treaty of the Palaces (The Zohar) by Moses de Leon. She gives the systemic explanation of the shamanic teachings of Juan Matus, the Native American sorcerer who was made known to the world by Carlos Castaneda. Including the Inuit, the Dogons, Buddhism or the Tch’an and Zen tradition, the author demonstrates that all expressions of human wisdom and spirituality can be explained by using the structure of the human brain as a model. The reader is invited to an exploration, a voyage to the frontiers of the functional laws of the cortex. These functions replicate and reproduce the image of the structural model at work in the universe. With this tool, the reader can test the validity of these discoveries on his own. In this work, systematists will find the unifying principle, the identification of the structural model that underlies reality as well as its functional laws. Applicable to all fields of investigation, in social sciences as well as in management, ethnology, politics, it is an extraordinary presentation of the organic laws of Life. The book gives a clear presentation of the codes, acts and decrees found in all of our surroundings. Faced with the reality and this power, we have the choice to learn its order and layout.

The Hidden Face of the Brain is supported by extensive scientific documentation, which permits a close study of the logic of life and evolution. The book also offers the reader the joy of participating in an in-depth investigation. Translated into several languages, The Hidden Face of the Brain reveals the founding code of universality, while respecting the diversity of reality.

II.  The Sublime Benefactor

The first piece of information was revealed in The Immobile Motor. What will the next piece bring ? The same thing, you could say. The rule of Reduplication calls for it to be as such. Is that surprising ? The law of the single pattern is applied to Knowledge as well as to how it is revealed. That is why we must proceed twice, conforming to the rule of Play and Replay. Don Juan and the visionaries who came before him all met with this indomitable constraint: They needed a minimal set of guidelines about the unknowable for purposes of instruction…

Replay is not Play even though the same elements are found in it. If one proposes, the other applies. Certainly, in The Sublime Benefactor we will again meet the six layers, the ten strata, left and right, energy, symmetry. But while in the first volume these elements were presented like young girls at their coming out party, in The Sublime Benefactor we will see them at work evoking invariable constants that are new to us.

The goal of the first volume was to individualize given base principles and make them available. Nothing had been invented. The invariable constants we discussed already existed. Science solidified their image. They were like rupestrian paintings that had been absorbed into rock so much so that they could no longer be seen. It was enough to just douse these dried images with water for the black horses and sanguine bulls to re-emerge in the varnish of the wet wall. Until then, most of these values were latent but more or less detectable in doctrinal texts. We were able to determine the values in order to see them each individually. To do this, we used an accumulation of allusions combined with an adequate scientific description. We’ll use the same technique for these functional constants. With The Sublime Benefactor, the Vohoo episode begins. The second volume will call up the notions acquired in the first volume and make them reach a state of enriched activity, a superior level of energy.

Such is the plan for the second volume: to expose the universal norms of the initiatory doctrine in the clearest light possible. We are first and foremost concerned with establishing Knowledge of the doctrine and not yet of its implementation. It is impossible to superimpose two types of readings at once. One calls for the intellectual backdrop of appropriate givens and extricates the principles that, until now, have never been taken from the symbolic bath where they were tested in the first case. The other supposes these principles are known and lets them play out in the always unpredictable material of Life…

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